Glorious ride up rough road. Great country took lots of pictures. The road runs parallel to the train tracks. Train is advertised as the scenic railroad. Old tracks run outside and new tracks run underground and through snow sheds. So the riders of the train get 3 to 5 second views of the countryside before going back into the darkness. It does keep the train running through in the winter. The old tracks for the scenic ride lay abandon. Cycling get better views. Then there were a few snow crossings adding to the adventure.
Love and kisses
Sunny headwind
Distance 29.1 Miles / Total Time 10:12 / Time of Day 19:17 / Average Moving Speed 4.5 / Average Speed 2.8 / Moving Time 6:29 / Stop Time 3:45 / Max Speed 17.6 / Temperature 69F / Max Temp 69F / Min Temp 46F / Ascent 2255 ft / Current Elevation 2891 / Max Elevation 4396 ft /
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