A view of my travels to other places with no great plan.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Rain stops and I head south into the highlands. I see a rain cloud coming my way. It is time to pick up the pace. This highlands is open country with long views. Another cyclist comes from the south. We chat and I find out the way is open to the south. I ride past a close sign or was it that I did not see it as I went under the chain. Road could use repairs in places. Come to a small water crossing and sandal up. There are places that the road is loose sand or gravel. I get to the geyser field. The reserve is staffed and I am the only guest. This is the first time I pay to camp on this trip. I give the geyser field a quick tour just encase the weather is not good in the morning. Then sit in a hot pool heated by geyser water. I am glad the buses are not running yet.
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