Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Yes there are babies

We did a quick tour of Burgos who cathedral has the remains of El Cid.  El Cid did a bit with the Moors and possibly riding into his last battle dead strap to his horse to inspire his troops.  Then off on the Camino de Santiago trail.  The trail is dirt and most of the pilgrims looked tired and not that happy to be walking.  I would not have been either in this country, but riding is good as kilometers pass quickly.  When the paved road paralleled the trail we opted for the smoother road that had trees lining it.  Yea the trail could use a few more trees.

55.2 Kilometers, 4:30 Moving Time, Max Speed 42.5 k, Moving Average 12.0 k, 
 Stop Time 4:45, Overall Average Speed 5.9k,   Start 11:00 end 20:00 Accent 352 meters.
Sunny with clouds in the morning

Love & Kisses

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