Monday, July 2, 2012

Spain ??

This turned out to be a shopping day.  Need a fuel canister for my stove and went looking for chairs.  Yes I want to lighten my load and keep adding stuff.  I found the fuel and bought a new stove that worked with the canisters that were being commonly sold here.  My stove canister I can find only in camping shops which are far between.  Chairs are Thermarest which use our sleep mattresses.  This does keep the weight down, but it is more stuff.  Also I picked up some new sun glasses as the others have a big scratch in them.  We then head for Spain which we did not make as it was getting late and we had camping available.  Spain is on the other side of town.
47.9 Kilometers, 3:44 moving time, Max Speed 49.8 k, Moving Average 12.8, 
 Stop Time 4:26, Overall Average Speed 5.9 k,   Start 12:00 and 19:00 Accent 391 meters 
Rain in AM

Love & Kisses

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