Got an early started in the morning with a quick look at the long man of Wilmington. He was built by early Britons buy removing the grass and dirt off the chalk below. Then off to Michelham Priory. Got there a bit early and the sites run bankers hours and wonder why they are not getting visitors. There displays were into Thomas Becket who had a habit of pissing off the king. One evening the king in a drunken rage, "yelled who will rid me of Thomas Becket. Four knights thought this was not a bad idea and went off and did him in. Unarmed Becket was found at his normal cathedral far from this Priory. The knights may have be drunk also as it took a good bit of hacking on the Becket's head to finish him off with there swords. 
 Then off to Pevensey Castle to review Britons defenses. It was ruinous and weapon limited. There was a good amount of ammo it we took it by surprise and so we could arm the trebuchet (French for high tech catapult). Of course Briton has just had regime change so my work is done here. Need to bring to Brussels the fine methods that Bolivia has shown the world in administration change. 
Then I was off to the town of Battle where the battle of Hastings took place 1066. It was a battle between Willy the conqueror and Harold. I do not need to say more, but I will. This battle between cousins reduced the family shrub a bit more. The Willy's Normans sucker the British to break line and chase them. Then came in with archers at the end of the day and broke the British line. Harold got in the way of an arrow which finished him off. Willy sort of felt bad about winning and built an Abbey at the top of the battle field. The battlefield was like many others I have seen with a grassy field with a hill.
I went in search of an official campground. I did not arrive between 3 and 7 PM. From all of the signs that said no on the door and no signs how to pay and enter I moved on. As it was growing dark and a woods near I headed for it. There is no wild camping allowed in England and care is needed to ensure no one will see me camping. Found a discreet entrance into the forest with the only sign saying welcome. Setting up camp is best done after dark and in the dark. Site was found easily that the bike could get to and I was up with first light to avoid birder running across me. As I packet notice I was being watched. The boar did not approach, but circled. Other shots did not come out in the early morning light.
54.2 mile 7:25hr / max speed 28,4 avg moving speed 7.3 stopped time 6:54 2676 ft total ascent.
Love & kisses
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