Rain over night. Start late as I let weather improve. Riding around a long fjord I can’t see a hot spring as it is a bit warmer and don’t spot any steam coming from any waterfalls. On the other side of the fjord I spot a hot spring. I go for a hour soak. After 20 minutes I am cooked and head on. I need a thermometer as that hot spring was getting to a cooking temperature. Google translate program gave an interesting result from the message attached to the building.

agæta ferðafolk þetta er skrifað af marggefnu tilefni við leigjum laugina af ríkinu en smíðuðum og eigum húsið við biðjum ykkur að ganga snyrtilega um staðinn. þetta er skrifað að marggefnu tilefni við leigjum laugina af ríkinu en byggðum og eigum húsið. vinsamlega gangið vel um
excellent tourists this is written by marggefnu occasion to Leigjum pool by the state but smíðuðum and have the House we ask you to join neatly about instead. this is written to marggefnu occasion to Leigjum pool by the state but based and have the House. please make a well-on

I think there is room for improvement in the translation.
I see the first bicyclist touring. As soon as he sees I am going the other direction he rides on without chatting. The day is nice but it is hard to go much distance after soaking so I camp.
Love and kisses
Eagles nest |
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