Monday, June 4, 2012

Another invite

Yes I stop and smell them

It was still raining off and on.  Road down through the gorge was nice.  I hear someone calling to me.  I go over and meet Jacque and his daughter.  They invite me to their home and give me directions.  They are off on a 5 hour bike ride.  I head into Albertville and then up to their place.  They catch up to me as I get to the turn off to their village.  They give me a lift saving me an hour plus of switchbacks up the mountain.  Bike just did not fit all the way in the vehicle so I held it.  Nice dinner and a bed.  Jacque’s daughter played in the X-games in Aspen a couple of years ago.  Both  are ski instructors. 
40.9 miles, 3:59 minutes moving, Max Speed 29.1, Moving Average 9.2, 
 Stop Time 1:53, Overall Average Speed 6.3,   Start12:00and 19:30  Accent 1491 Feet  Some Rain.

Love & Kisses

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