I had a short ride to Bremen . Found detail maps for the rest of my ride to Denmark . Found a nice hostel and walked about the town. They are really into a story involving a chicken, a cat, a dog and a horse. Did find that tourism = shopping. There were neat buildings and art to see. I just enjoy the country side over tourist shops. Found a location to download free maps for my GPS. As it was going to take 5 hours to download at 11 at night I went to bed. Next morning got up early and tried again for the map. It took 5 minutes, also got Denmark , Scandinavia and a few more countries. It is weird now having my location on a map. Like a finger pointing to my map location. This does not mean that with this I will be where I planned to be or was hoping I would like to be. The Luddite in me enjoyed the compass bearing to point the way generally. I did find that GPS maps did not show all the roads leaving me to guess if the route did go through. I enjoy the mystery of where the road might take me.
36.1 mile 4:50 hr / max speed 20.0 / avg moving speed 7.5 / stopped time 3:16 / 423 ft total ascent. (Clear and sunny – there were some very small hills had to remember how to shift.)
Love & kisses
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