Monday, September 27, 2010


There is danger and I did not put my nose in it.

No one picked lucky number 7 which has a view of  a wall.

Off to follow the numbers.  Start with ten numbers and more come in as I wander about finding the number location.  There is danger along the way, as those claws would be hell on my nose.  I did not put a clause in for stopping for rain, so I ride on all day in the rain which gets stronger as I go.  The wondering allows me to see interesting things along the way, which I would have missed if I had gone straight to the ferry.  I will get your individual picture out as soon as I have internet and time or Christmas.  As night approach found that the ferry I was going to use stopped service two weeks earlier for the year.  As it turned dark the rain continued and I could not find any locations to wild camp as there were few trees and there were pools of water everywhere from the rain.  Then there was a nice sign to a mini camp.  I was curious what a mini camp was so I head that way.  Owners were still up and I was able to camp in their small campground.  I did find a small spot above the pools of water.  And there was internet in my tent as I listen to the rain drops.  I also found out I had more numbers to find.
58.5 miles 5:57 hr / max speed 21.1 / avg moving speed 9.8 / stopped time 3:18 / 334 ft total ascent. (Cloudy with a rain) 
Love & kisses

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